
What are printed map reproductions?

Printed map reproductions are high-quality copies of historical maps that have been carefully recreated to capture the original details and aesthetics. These reproductions allow you to own a piece of history and experience the beauty of vintage maps. Many of our customers value them for their historical significance or the information they contain (such as landowner names), while many others simply enjoy them for their artistic and decorative qualities. 

Why should I choose a map reproduction?

Most of the time we're able to restore a scan of an original that was in poor condition for much better presentation. Printed map reproductions offer a unique way to explore the past and appreciate the artistry of historical cartography without purchasing a rare or expensive original.

Are the map reproductions accurate?

Yes, at Relic Map Co., we take pride in our commitment to historical accuracy. We have over a decade of experience restoring and printing old maps. Our printed map reproductions are meticulously restored to ensure that they reflect the original maps as closely as possible. Occasionally we have to use some "artistic license" when the map is in very poor condition, but we strive to capture every detail possible.

What materials are used for the prints?

All of our maps are printed on high-end Canon printers that are capable of producing the highest quality fine art prints, and using high-quality materials. Every map is printed on very heavy, archival-grade paper which has a matte finish, is 9 mil thick, and has a weight of 200gsm (54 lbs). This ensures their durability and longevity, allowing you to enjoy them for years to come. 

Can I choose the size of the map?

Yes, we offer a range of sizes for our printed map reproductions. You can select the size that best fits your space and aesthetic preferences. Whether you want a small map to adorn your study or a large centerpiece for your living room, we have options to suit your needs. Our sizes include the original size of the map, as well as 50% and 100% enlargements. We also offer our prints in the following standard frame sizes, depending on the best fit for the original aspect ratio of the map:

  • 16x24, 20x30, 24x36
  • 15x20, 18x24, 24x32
  • 16x20, 20x25, 24x30

If none of the sizes meet your needs, you can use the "Request a custom print size" form on any product page to inquire about a custom size. We can print up to 44" wide (on the short side) by any length. Please note: For large maps (such as wall maps and some county maps) we highly recommend ordering them in the largest possible size in order to maintain their legibility.

Can I return or exchange my map?

We have a 90-day return policy for our printed map reproductions. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a return within 90 days of receiving your order. Please refer to our Return Policy for more information on the process and eligibility criteria.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping for our maps to select countries (currently 27). We want to make these historical treasures accessible to customers worldwide. Please note that international shipping may have additional fees and longer delivery times, depending on the destination.

Still have a question?

Send us an email to tell us how we can help and someone from our Customer Service team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please email us at info@relicmaps.com